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Tag: management system
Management Articles
The Lean shut-down of Toyota Manufacturing in Australia
James P. Womack
Toyota again showed their respect for people and commitment to principles with their shut down of manufacturing in Australia.
"Toyota accepted the fact that closure of the plant required a transition to new work for most employees and that Toyota needed to take the lead. Senior management understood that its obligation before producing the last car was to manufacture 2,600 upskilled and reskilled employees equipped for new careers."
Foundations For Transformation: Linking Purpose, People and Process
Mike Stoecklein
"Nearly all organizations have attempted some type of company-wide improvement effort, and most managers and workers in organizations have experienced attempts to introduce and implement different management approaches. The experience for most people has been a series of programs (flavors of the month1) rather than the pursuit of a philosophy of improvement.
We have observed predictable patterns in companies that pursue company-wide improvement from nearly all industries and share them in this paper. The foundations for transformation can be
applied to not only business, but also government and education."
Standardized Work is a Goal To Work Toward, Not a Tool to Implement
Jeffrey Liker
Standardized work is foundational to the Toyota Production System, yet remains one of the most misunderstood principles to outsiders. It is crucial to understand the true purpose of this foundational practice. Standardized work in the context of the Toyota Way refers to the most efficient and effective combination of people, material, and equipment to perform the work that is presently possible. “Presently possible” means it is today’s best-known way, which can be improved.